Keeping an eye on your IoT devices

A Waxeye case study

Keeping an eye on your IoT devices
Nebula dashboard

Nebula, a cutting-edge IoT management app, offers a seamless solution for monitoring your IoT devices, providing real-time insights into their performance, and empowering you to track your carbon footprint effortlessly.

waxeye lead the entire design process, from crafting an intuitive user experience to designing a sleek user interface. Our fabulous dev team seamlessly integrated the API into the app using Vue.js and TypeScript, ensuring a robust and efficient platform.
The result? A user-friendly app tailored to meet the unique needs of Robotron's clients, offering a hassle-free experience in managing their IoT devices.

Nebula large
Nebula asset 2
Nebula asset 3
Nebula asset 4